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Friday, August 8, 2008

It's One More, Innit?

Thanks to Scott Lynch for submitting an example of how a J2EE application developer just might not trust the database to do its job.

Over to Scott...

From a big bucks retail management system (now owned by a big bucks DBMS vendor).

1. Get NextVal from the sequence.

2. Assign the value, an integer, to a string.

3. Check to see if the string they just created exists.

4. Cast the integer that has been cast to a string, to a BigDecimal.

5. Add 1 to it (because they're obviously smarter than some silly old sequence).

I just love step 3.

Sheer brilliance on that one. And it's repeated for almost every table in this particular little slice of the application.


public long getNextId() throws java.sql.SQLException{
if (conn == null)
throw new java.sql.SQLException("Connection not set");
long nextIdLong = 0;
//Create a statement
tStmt = conn.createStatement();

//Create a query string to get all the fields from the table. The
//presentation layer will decide which field to display
String query = "SELECT some_seq.nextval FROM dual";

//The complete query is executed
rs = tStmt.executeQuery(query);;
String nextIdString = rs.getString(1);

if (nextIdString != null) {
nextIdLong = ((new BigDecimal(nextIdString)).add(new BigDecimal(1))).longValue();


} catch (SQLException e)
throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.toString());
return nextIdLong;

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