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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Discoverer patch available oracle

The Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Patch Set 2 ( is now available for download from Metalink (

This includes many features in Discoverer, primarily in the OLAP area.
The patch number is 4960210. It is currently available on Microsoft Windows (32-bit) and Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit). Other platforms will become available shortly.
If you see the readme file, section 9.5.3 covers "New Features for Oracle Business Intelligence".

This is a list of new features in the release, from Table 10 of the readme file:

  1. Calculated Members
  2. Write-back
  3. Graph Styles
  4. Discoverer Catalog Support
  5. Share Calculations and Saved Selections In a Workbook
  6. Toolbar
  7. Floating OracleBI Query Editor
  8. Enhanced Refreshing of Queries
  9. VBA Macros

These new features span Discoverer Plus, Plus OLAP, Viewer, Portlet Provider, and the Spreadsheet Add-In.
Look for more posts on these features. Here is a list of some posts by Aneel and me on some of the new features in the "calculated member" release:

  1. Spreadsheet Add-in - Refreshing multiple queries
  2. Spreadsheet Add-In - non modal wizard
  3. Rename queries in Spreadsheet Add-In
  4. New Graph styles in the upcoming Discoverer release

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