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Friday, June 20, 2008

Webcast URL for Open World Mumbai 2006

I am back in office after Oracle Open World at Mumbai last week (link to Open World Mumbai page on Catching up on a few hundred emails. I shall write up a couple of posts on the Open World experience later this week, though I spent almost all of OOW at the demogrounds, spending 6-7 hours each day at the Discoverer and BI booths.

I also plan on watching recordings of some of the keynotes - which are available on here (link to the keynotes video page)

One of the highlights for the Oracle employees at the demogrounds (called 360 degree exhibits) was the visit by Charles Philips (along with Derek Williams, Mark Gibbs, Krishan Dhawan and others) to the demogrounds. He stopped by the Business Intelligence booth and briefly saw the integrated BI demo. At that time I was busy at the Discoverer pod with a number of visitors, so this lone photo is all I could manage.
The person in the foreground with his face turned away is Rajesh Gadodia, while the person hidden behind him in the white t-shirt is Balaji Krishnan. And the tallest person in the photo is Charles Philips.

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