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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Winter Corp's Spotlight on Oracle White Paper

Analyst papers don't get any better than this!
Winter Corp has published a white paper titled "Spotlight on Oracle - Key Findings from the 2005 WinterCorp Top Ten Program", which measured the world's largest databases. The report can be downloaded from here.

Some of the highlights of the paper are:

  • The largest data warehouse runs on Oracle
  • The largest scientific data warehouse runs on Oracle
  • It is unlikely that any database vendor's product is as omnipresent as Oracle in the VLDB arena
  • In both the 2003 and 2005 TopTen surveys, all ten databases in the UNIX OLTP workload category run Oracle
  • Oracle is the only database with a showing in the survey, and a strong one at that, across UnIX, Windows, and Linux platforms
  • Nine of the ten largest UNIX OLTP systems run Oracle

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