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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

News Story: Q3 Results Show BI EE Key Growth Area for Oracle Earnings oracle

Oracle has just released its Q3 earnings and the results are extremely positive and have been well received by the analyst community.

One of the most important growth areas was business intelligence where many customers are seeing the benefits of Oracle's new pervasive approach to business intelligence. This sales success follows strong support from numerous research firms for Oracle's FMW based BI solutions. Gartner's latest magic quadrants for business intelligence and data warehousing position Oracle in the leaders quadrant.

As part of the formal earnings press release Oracle provided details of key customer wins achieved during this fiscal year. All these customers have chosen to install Oracle Business Intelligence Suite EE to provide their business communities with the ability extract intelligence from applications and data sources and distribute it throughout their company to help optimize business processes, decisions, and actions.

The roll call of companies is quite impressive and includes some very impressive names, such as BMW Group Australia, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Indian Tobacco Company, Moet, Morgan Stanley, Nanjing Social Insurance, Rabobank Mobiel, Subaru and many more. A complete full article can be viewed by clicking on this link below which contains the complete list of new BI EE customers:

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