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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oracle Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Solutions oracle

by Robert Stackowiak, Joe Rayman, Rick Greenwald

Amazon have just made available an interesting new book on Oracle data warehousing and business intelligence. Three very senior people within the BI community have written it:

  • Robert Stackowiak, Vice President, Business Intelligence, Oracle Corporation
  • Joe Rayman, Consulting VP - BI/Analytics, Oracle Corporation
  • Rick Greenwald, author of numerous books on Oracle technology

Information about the book is limited at the moment. There is a brief synopsis on the Amazon UK website, however, the content looks very promising. Based on the synopsis it would appear the book provides content that is designed to demonstrate how to design and build a data warehouse and then use Oracle's business intelligence tools to analyze data. Information is provided on best practices for using business intelligence tools to mine a data warehouse. It covers all the usual Oracle BI and data warehouse tools:
  • Warehouse Builder
  • JDeveloper & BI Beans
  • BI/XML Publisher
  • Reports
  • BI EE
  • Discoverer
  • OLAP Spreadsheet Addin for MS Excel
  • Portal
  • Data Miner
  • Enterprise Manager
Overall there is a lot of information in this book covering all aspects of data warehousing. Some sample code is provided, via a link to a related website, to help you follow the examples included in the book.

Fortunately it is possible to use the usual Amazon feature of looking inside the book online, but very strangely this feature only available on the US based and is not available via the Amazon UK website. However, the US website does not show a synopsis of the book, which is available on the UK site.

I have already ordered my copy of the book and will post a formal review in a while. It will be interesting to see how this compares to other books on the subject. I suppose the key question is: Can you ever have enough books on data warehousing? Personally, I don't think so but as I have over 1000 cookery books I may not be the best person to ask!

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