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Monday, July 14, 2008

The BI - EPM Blog

You may have seen the blog comment, if you haven't, here's the really good piece of news: there is a new BI - EPM blog available now at Here's an introduction from the blog:

Frank Buytendijk, Vice President of Corporate Strategy for Oracle|Hyperion and previously a Gartner Research Vice President, is one of world's most recognized thought leaders on business intelligence (BI) and enterprise performance management (EPM). As a researcher, presenter, and business strategy consultant for Oracle|Hyperion's customers, Buytendijk's style is best described as provocative, out-of-the-box, and future-oriented, while adding a human touch. Based in The Netherlands, Buytendijk brings 20 years of experience in BI & EPM.

You can subscribe to the blog feed here.

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