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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CM priority vs. new manager

At my production environment we have a complete customized module called PoS (Point of Sale) which we use to sale our products and it is integrated with oracle apps financials and CRM modules, among of this customized module we have a lot of customized concurrent requests related to sale process and printing contracts. Those requests mainly related to customer service for ex. If the customer buys a product a concurrent request to print the contract will run when the user submit the sale. we faces an issue at the begging of each month that when the financial users run the journal import and end of month requests which they are many requests by the way. Those requests took a lot of time to run and in turn affect the customer which has to wait until his contract got processed by the CM which is busy handling other request. I hope I described the issue clearly since it is difficult to write.

Anyway to solve this issue I create a new stander manger just for the point of sales module, but I found out that when there is no point of sale requests this manager will stay ideal while the other manger that handle all the other request is busy which is not correct. So I deleted this new stander manager and changed all the PoS request priority to a higher priority, now when every a PoS request run it run first because it has higher priority than the stander request and by this I managed to solve my issue.

To do that I went to system administrator->concurrent->program->define->query the requests and change all its priority to 30.

(0 is highest priority and 100 is the lowest and the default priority value 50)

Please leave a comment if you have better way to solve the issue.

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