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Monday, July 14, 2008

Oracle BI EE and Virtualization

In this day and age of "Power and Space" and being more green, data center efficiencies or inefficiencies many customers are looking at Virtualization as a means of consolidation.

One of the questions that I see on a regular basis relates to the support of Oracle BI EE and virtualization. This is slam-dunk from the perspective that Oracle is sensitive to power and space requirements as are many companies that manage their systems in their own data centers. Virtualization is addressed on two fronts by Oracle:

1) Oracle provides a virtualization solution in Oracle VM
2) The answer to the oft-asked question is – Yes!! Oracle BI EE is supported on the Oracle Virtualization solution (Oracle BI EE SRSP). This leads to another question; Is Oracle BI EE supported on VMWare? That answer is Oracle BI EE and many other Oracle products follow the statement outlined in MetaLink Note 249212.1

-Oracle BI EE SRSP
-Oracle VM
-Virtualization & E-Business Suite Running Oracle Database in Solaris 10 Containers - Best Practices (MetaLink Note 317257.1). This Note is applicable for E-Business Suite Releases 11i and 12 environments.
-Support Status for VMWare (MetaLink Note 249212.1)

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