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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Daily Check list

My daily Check list

Every day at the morning i do tow things
- Oracle applications and database check list.
- Oracle applications community check list.
In the first check list (apps and db) check list I check for the following

Check Apache server is up
Check Discoverer processes
Check Concurrent manager is up
Check forms is up
Clear tmp logs
Check disk space
Check memory usage
Look for new entries on alert log file
Verify success of database backup
Verify archive logs
Verify that all instances are up

In the second check list (apps community) check list I check the following websites and email lists

Oracle Apps Forums
Steven Chan an Oracle insider
Atul Become an Apps DBA
Sam Apps DBA Blog
Anil Apps Techno Functional Blog

I also keep monitoring the, email lists.

If someone can add more resources please leave your comments

Oracle is not Magic, it just takes years of experience and doing my check lists ;-

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