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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What a mess

Today when the purchasing consultant tried to enter employees through the Purchasing Setup the following error occurs
Error message is APP-PAY-06041, you cannot enter person form because HR is fully installed.

I felt like reinstallation is coming on the way, as far as I know you cannot do unlicensed a registered products (please leave comment if you know a way to do that).
Any way after searching on metalink I found note 360552.1 and the note says that to solve this issue I have to 2 options
-we should use Human resource to enter employee not purchasing.
Or (this is the first time I like or ;-)
- using sql

update FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONSset STATUS ='S' where application_id= 800;


Now every is working fine enjoy consultants

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