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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Issues while installing oracle redhat linux

Before a couple of days me and my friend ghassan who is also a certified apps 11i dba was doing an installation at my new p.c and while installing oracle linux on the new Intel 965 motherboard the installer freezes at " PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)" stage after checking redhat forums we found out that we need to start the installation using the following command from the command line to over come this issue
linux all-generic-ide pci=nommconf
of course that solved our issue after the installation finished and the system reboot we had to do the following the grub screen

at the grub menu. Select the kernel we want to edit, and press (e) to edit. Then move the cursor down to the "kernel" line and press (e) to edit that line. And add the all-generic-ide pci=nommconf at the kernel line.
Then press ENTER to accept the changes. And then press (b) to boot.

When the server boot successfully we had to add the all-generic-ide pci=nommconf at the /boot/grub/grub.conf file.

I guess that this issue in not only related to oracle linux but general to all redhat with this Intel motherboard (from what we saw at the redhat forums), anyway after that we did the installation for vision database and the installation went successfully but with one small issue (RW-50004) at step 2 of 5
At the log it shows (ORA-01031: insufficient privileges) this error was a typo of the oracle user group the group was ordba instated of oradba so we fixed that and the installation went successfully

Hope that helped and thank you guz for your help
P.S I got the redhat issue resolved mostly from the

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